Daily Threat Intelligence Report

This report contains following information. All tables and graphs are auto-generated.

  1. Overall statistics
    1. Number of domains detected
    2. Number of domains detected by Google Safe Browsing
    3. IP address behind entry-level domains
    4. date of collection
  2. Top 10 domain statistics
    1. count (number of redirection paths that contain this domain)
    2. tier (1 is entry-level domain, 2 is intermediate hop, 3 is final landing domain)
    3. registar
    4. organization
  3. Top 10 IP statistics
    1. count
    2. location (city, country, region)
    3. hostname
    4. organization
  4. Consolidated redirection path
    1. green: tier one domain
    2. yellow: tier two domain
    3. red: tier three domain

Content Warning: The following domain names and screenshots contain material that may be harmful or traumatizing to some audiences.

0tier_1hotellamaison.info1Baronofdomains.com LLCNS1.DNSNUTS.COMNone
1tier_1assoholics.us1UdomainName.com LLCns1.dnsnuts.comNone
2tier_1hickorydickorybox.com1JarheadDomains.com LLCNS1.DNSNUTS.COMNone
3tier_1iopy.net1Name Find Source LLCNS1.DNSNUTS.COMNone
4tier_1gamespottingnetworks.com1SNAPNAMES 50, LLCNS1.DNSNUTS.COMNone
5tier_1garciniacambogiasideeffects4u.com1Rally Cry Domains, LLCNS1.DNSNUTS.COMNone
6tier_1dxnewradio.com1Aquila Domains LLCNS1.DNSNUTS.COMNone
7tier_1g-paws.com1SNAPNAMES 72, LLCNS1.DNSNUTS.COMNone
8tier_1fh-wow.com1SNAPNAMES 77, LLCNS1.DNSNUTS.COMNone
iphostnamecityregionorgpostalcountry_nametiercount AngelesCaliforniaAS46844 Sharktech90009United Statestier_131 AngelesCaliforniaAS46844 Sharktech90009United Statestier_124

Aggregated redirection graph of domains located on current IP address.

  • The redirection flows from left to right
  • Leftmost domains are initial domains hosted on current IP
  • Rightmost domains are final landing domains we were able to crawl

Screenshot of high-occurrence final landing domains

Have other ideas? / Want to subscribe to get threat intelligence report? / Contact

Zhouhan Chen, NYU Center for Data Science, zc1245@nyu.edu, Personal Website